Dr. Edward Scarlett established Alive and Well Acupuncture Clinic, (formerly known as The Center for Health) in Delray Beach, almost 20 years ago. Serving Boynton Beach, Boca Raton, Delray Beach and surrounding areas. He is trained in multiple Acupuncture styles and multiple Body Work techniques. He also uses a variety of Chinese Herbal and Homeopathic medicines to accelerate patient outcomes. Edward has a reputation for achieving excellent results using Acupuncture, Acupressure, Moxibustation, and Deep Muscle Therapy for acute and chronic pain conditions. The most common pain conditions include disc, bone, cartilage, muscles, ligaments and tendons. These conditions can come from injuries, degeneration, or a need for recuperation.
Edward has a high level of understanding of Western Orthodox Medicine and Chinese Medicine and is considered an expert in his field. He believes it is most important to treat the cause of people’s health issues while focusing on achieving relief.
Using Acupuncture and Chinese medicine Edward improves his patients health by increasing their bodies overall function. He has achieved excellent results with complex situations such as individuals undergoing chemotherapy, pain management, digestive disorders, insomnia, fatigue, migraines, high blood pressure, hormone imbalances, mood disorders as well as neck, back, knee and shoulder pain.
Edward has been a featured speaker on AM Radio where he has discussed the latest natural healthcare solutions for The Seven Major Symptoms of Stress. He continues to study the most up to date techniques making him a leader in his field.
Dr. Edward Scarlett is a licensed Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine and is certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a Diplomate of Acupuncture. He graduated from the Community School of Traditional Chinese Healthcare in North Miami Beach, Florida in 1991.